Available for job asap, Perfect computer knowladge /Warehouse

Vieta nesvarbi
Patalpinta: 2011-02-08
Prieš 168 mėn
Pradėti: 2011-02-08
Sritis: Darbas sandėliuose
Skelbimo Nr: 24291
I am self motivated, punctual, quick learner, reliable and hard working person. I have lots experience in computers; I easily can work with these programs: Auto Cad, Corel, MS Office, and Photoshop. Also I have experience in repairing computers. I can start working as soon as possible. I studied for half a year logistics, so I have some experience in warehouse assistance (I have worked in them for a while). I am not afraid of hard work so I easily can work in the warehouse. Feel free to contact me, I am available for interview at any time. My contacts: 07746595336 or kozeris@gmail.com