bet koks /Factory

Vieta nesvarbi
Patalpinta: 2010-09-04
Prieš 173 mėn
Pradėti: 2010-09-06
Sritis: Darbas fabrikuose
Skelbimo Nr: 16923
Ieskau darbo kavineje restorane viesbuti fabrike zemes ukyje.Galiu dirbti ir pamainini darba. Very hard working, honest, loyal and trustworthy looking to establish herself and make a career. Able and capable of working on her own intuition just as well as being a part of the team - big or small. Copes very well with the pressure, does not get intimidate by tight deadlines, always delivering the best performance to her best abilities. Very eager to learn new things, find it really easy to communicate with people and make everyone feel comfortable in her company.